Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec 2012 Update!

Since I haven't posted or updated in a year, I thought I should give everyone a heads-up on where we are.  Life is extremely busy now that my oldest twins are in Junior High (6th grade), Caleb is in 5th grade, and my youngest twins are in 2nd grade.  Every night is something!

Caleb is doing very well!  He is in a regular school, but mostly in a special education room.  However, he is doing 5th grade level work in the core subjects.  Next year will be the transition to Junior High, where he will likely have Daddy as a science or math teacher.  He will still need a resource room and his own aide (which is what he has now).  We are always trying to get him more general education, but with class sizes so high, it's not always that feasible.  We are also looking at getting Caleb started with on-line courses in Social Studies and/or Science to help catch him up in those areas. 

Caleb is now extremely verbal.  He's now usually able to answer most questions, but still can struggle with questions that have a deeper meaning.  He still struggles with behavior at times of frustration, and because he's getting to be a big kid, it can be difficult for teachers to know what to do with the behavior (such as lashing out when he's frustrated).  Caleb has some amazing skills in math, and with building or puzzles.  He can make super amazing creations with just about anything, but his favorite is legos of course!  Somehow we will foster this creativity and spacial thinking with a course of study someday...but we'll see where it leads.

Caleb is involved in soccer, having won the state's soccer kick competition for 10 year old boys this year!  He also is beginning to play the piano, and is involved in Church activities (Junior Youth Group, Bible Memory Camp, Christmas Plays, and others).  I try to be a part of most of these things just in case he has frustration...thus negative behaviors. 

Right now, I am giving Caleb very few supplements or meds.  I give him just a sprinkle of Lithium Orotate in the mornings to help w/ behavior, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and an Omega 3 gummy.  This has been working pretty well lately, but I always know that things only "work" for a time, and once that "hole is filled" , another hole usually pops up in it's place that I have to find the "plug" for.  We still do homeopathy through Rudi Verspoor in Canada, as I always see amazing things through homeopathy.

Overall, Caleb's improved a million percent.  Is he completely "normal".....NO....   but who is?  There are always big challenges, but he meets them every time.  The rewards are so much bigger though!  It's amazing to watch how when he overcomes obstacles, that people were watching and noticing even when you had no idea.  It's wonderful to see that people silently and sometimes openly root for him, even when there's negative behavior.  I've been amazed that sometimes the grumpiest person will be touched by Caleb, and they'll try extra hard with him.  God has allowed this thing called autism to enter our life, not as a punishment, but as a reward; strengthening all who come in contact with it!


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