Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to the School Fight...ugh...

Unfortunately, we're back in the fight for my son's schooling. Our new Superintendent doesn't want to have the elementary Special Ed. teacher tied to her room due to having Caleb most of the day (3 days a week), and is thus trying to muscle us out of what Caleb's IEP says. After already having a conversation with her, I can see that she has no intention of giving in. Thus...without some divine intervention....we will be doing a lot of fighting! Thankfully, I now know my way around an IEP. I now know that Caleb's current IEP MUST be in place when school starts (by MI law). I also know that services cannot be cut due to funding/lack thereof reasons. In addition, if the IEP states that a child is to be in a special ed. classroom, as opposed to a gen. ed or other setting, then it must be in place. I plan on talking to this superintendent again tomorrow, and if nothing changes I'll be on the phone with board members, possibly an advocate, etc. If all else fails, all 5 of my children will go somewhere else within county. Let's see how that affects their precious budget!


Clay Boggess said...

Good luck in your fight for your children! We need more parents like you who are willing to stand up for what they feel is right and to defend them when it sometimes seems that others don't have their best interests in mind. After all, we are the tax payers!

Jen B said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I pray that things will work out without a big fight, but I'm willing to do so if need be.

Tammy said...

My biggest problem with my son's IEP is getting them to include services I think he needs. They won't do one-on-one therapy, only in the classroom group therapy. They won't give him a one-on-one worker.

Jen B said...

It looks like the school is finally backing down! Hooray! Caleb should have his same teacher, and same type of schedule...with a slight bit more general ed (since Daddy will be his gym teacher this year). The superintendent met with our Autism Director for the county, and was succinctly told that "the parents have the final say!" Let's hope they remember those words for more than a few weeks!